John Updike - Apr 27, Iyengar II

On Tuesday, Ko Un made me ask “What do we really need, not need?” Today, Updike asks what is it that we do that is really important? As opposed to what we might assume is important? Pretty great from someone who was well-regarded for his art, and during his lifetime.


Today I wrote some words that will see print.

Maybe they will last "forever," in that

someone will read them, their ink making

a light scratch on his mind, or hers.

I think back with greater satisfaction

upon a yellow bird—a goldfinch?—

that had flown into the garden shed

and could not get out,

battering its wings on the deceptive light

of the dusty, warped-shut window.

Without much reflection, for once, I stepped

to where its panicked heart

was making commotion, the flared wings drumming,

and with clumsy soft hands

pinned it against a pane,

held loosely cupped

this agitated essence of the air,

and through the open door released it,

like a self-flung ball,

to all that lovely perishing outdoors.


John Updike - April 28, Iyengar I


Ko Un - Apr 25, Iyengar II & I