John Updike - April 29, Iyengar III

After saying how I didn’t really like Updike, after several days, I am won over, at least a little. Such a good storyteller. Maybe I’ll reread some of the novels I didn’t like 30 years ago and see what happens. In the meantime, hoeing? Yoga? Same thing?


I sometimes fear the younger generation will be deprived

of the pleasures of hoeing;

there is no knowing

how many souls have been formed by this simple exercise.

The dry earth like a great scab breaks, revealing

moist-dark loam—

the pea-root's home,

a fertile wound perpetually healing.

How neatly the green weeds go under!

The blade chops the earth new.

Ignorant the wise boy who

has never rendered thus the world fecunder.


Alice Walker - May 1st, Fun with Chairs


John Updike - April 28, Iyengar I